Applications Open Now for LSCA’s 2024-25 Student Leaders!

We’re recruiting! Want to be part of a growing movement to push the legal industry in the direction of a habitable future? We welcome you to apply to be part of the National Student Committee! This year, we are seeking applicants from both the US and the UK, which will each have their own committees made up of eight students.


The members of each committee will be responsible for coordinating LSCA’s work and will serve as leaders in shaping LSCA’s continued growth and success. LSCA is a student-led organization, and the committees are at the center of decision-making for the broader organization. Each committee member will be a point person for a specific component of LSCA’s work, supported by a co-chair as well as LSCA’s staff (currently, the US National Director, with plans to hire two additional directors in the future). 

Serving on the LSCA National Committee is not like most other opportunities in law school. This role is about transforming the legal industry, and it is an extremely exciting opportunity to create real change. We are a collaborative and supportive organization and are lucky to have many mentors and stakeholders who can provide support and guidance, but this is a role where you will not be under direct supervision or following a clear template. You will have to be willing to be creative, to take initiative, and to hold yourself and your colleagues accountable for your commitments to this cause and the activities, campaigns, and student organizing you will co-create throughout the year.

If you think a committee position would not be the best fit but would like to get involved in an LSCA committee or organize on your campus, please still feel free to attend one of the info sessions above, and/or to reach out by email.


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New Directions in Environmental Law Conference: 4/12 - 4/14